The 2024 Employee Engagement Survey is now live! Feedback on your workplace environment and UAMS as an organization is vital in evaluating current processes, programs, and what is working for Team UAMS, in addition to considering opportunities to improve. The UAMS Vision 2029 outlines the goals for UAMS to become the employer of choice and recruit, develop, and retain a skilled, motivated and engaged workforce. Your response to the 2024 Employee Engagement survey is imperative to inform decisions made about environmental safety, resources, culture of safety, inclusivity, recognition, teamwork, and many other important facets about being a member of Team UAMS. Magnet organizations are required to demonstrate active RN engagement and increased job satisfaction as a sign of nursing excellence. Magnet designated organizations embrace a culture that empowers nurses and other staff to identify and bring forth concerns and the employee engagement survey is one way in which UAMS provides that opportunity.
As a nurse, you will receive an additional set of questions, specifically about nursing practice, autonomy, quality of care and other domains. I have included a summary of the domains, and examples in which UAMS Nurses embody excellence in each area:
- Adequacy of Resources – Nurses have the tools, resources and time to provide the best care for patients
- Consistent attention to supplies and equipment, on the unit and during industry shortages
- Balanced approach to managing critical-shift, overtime, travelers, in-house agency, and PRN to continue to protect patient ratios and support high-quality care, while being fiscally responsible
- Example of excellence: H9 advocated for and received support to implement PD cyclers, reducing the burden of caring for patients requiring peritoneal dialysis on off-service units with H9 RNs
- Nursing Autonomy – Nurses have the autonomy to make nursing care decisions within the full scope of their nursing practice. Nurses influence nursing practice decisions in the organization.
- Nurse-driven protocols (urinary catheter removal, extraneous PIV removal, etc.)
- Nurse referrals in EPIC
- Engaging in improvement of population-specific care
- Example of excellence: UAMS nurses expressed concerns about the new PIV catheters, including difficulty with insertion and failure to secure PIV access with minimal sticks. Nurses collected data, evaluated outcomes, and presented findings, resulting in a reversal of the decision to move to the new PIV catheters.
- Fundamentals of Quality Nursing Care
- Utilization of data to make decisions
- Nursing strategic plan
- Evidence-based nursing practices
- Professional practice model
- Patient Safety
- Quality improvement
- Example of excellence: The NICU recently celebrated 203 days since a CLABSI, the result of a combined effort to reduce line days and improve central line fluid changes through sterile tubing changes and k-card audits to evaluate compliance.
- Nursing Interprofessional Relationships – Nurses are seen as partners in healthcare and there is good collaboration between nursing, physicians, and ancillary services
- Collaboration to improve care between physicians, nurses, and other healthcare team members
- Team rounding
- Specialty nurses (vascular access, infection prevention, wound/ostomy) serve as consultants to care
- Example of excellence: F9 nurses and physicians collaborated to remove secondary and tertiary PIV catheters in their patients, resulting in a 20.4% reduction in Hospital Onset Bacteremia in their patient population.
- Nursing Leadership Access and Responsiveness – Nursing leaders promote the free exchange of ideas and advocate for staff. Nursing leaders are accessible to staff and responsive to feedback.
- Leaders consistently ask for feedback from their staff
- Leaders provide updates to staff about projects and data in a timely manner
- Leaders are visible on their units and responsive to emails
- Leaders utilize multiple modes of communication
- Example of excellence: Tammy Jones, CNO, regularly rounds on Saturday for the sole purpose of checking-in with and acquiring feedback from frontline staff. Talk with Tammy provides opportunities to meet with Tammy in a small group setting.
- Professional Development – Nurses have access to resources to grow in their profession and performance. Nurses get the training to provide excellent care.
- Transition to Practice program
- Continuing education opportunities
- Specialty conference attendance
- National certification support
- Tuition discount
- Examples of excellence: In 2023, 95 RNs took advantage of either tuition discount or national certification support to earn advanced degrees or national certification and since receiving Chancellor’s Grant funding, the Center for Nursing Excellence has supported sending 15 RNs to specialty conferences.
- RN-to-RN Teamwork and Collaboration – RNs work together to provide excellent patient care together and promote a positive working environment
- Going above and beyond typical duties or patient assignment
- Assisting team members with their work
- Example of excellence: The most consistent feedback we heard during the mock and real Magnet site visit is that everyone loves their team. Their team is like their family. Everyone helps each other and goes out of their way to support one another and deliver the best care to patients.
It’s time for you to complete your survey! We want your feedback!
You can take the survey by:
- Clicking the unique link sent to your email
- Clicking HERE
- Scanning the QR code below with your smartphone or tablet