I know we say this a lot, but it seems truer now than ever before – time really does fly. I can’t believe all that’s happened in just the past month and how quickly all the festivities of May are approaching.
A lot has happened since my last newsletter message – the most important being our outstanding Joint Commission survey. As you may have heard me say earlier, I was a bit worried when I heard the survey team was at the information desk several months before we anticipated their arrival, but you all wowed every surveyor. I learned a valuable lesson that week – never doubt our nurses and Team UAMS. You are amazing.
The following week, UAMS Nursing once again had the opportunity to showcase our outstanding work when Perioperative Services Nursing Director Deborah Hutts, MSN, RN, NE-BC, Ken Lewis, ADN, RN, from the Vascular Access team at The Orthopaedic and Spine Hospital, Sexual Assault Program Director Sherrie Searcy, BSN, RN, SANE-A, and Director of Research, Excellence and Magnet Rebekah Thacker, MNSc, RNC-NIC, shared information about patient care during COVID, our Comprehensive Stroke Center, the TeleSANE program and our Magnet journey with the University of Arkansas System Board of Trustees during their meeting here at UAMS.
A March 12 article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette said, “The strides made — and accomplishments of — UAMS nurses in recent years as they progress toward Magnet status are ‘inspirational and make us very proud,’ said trustee Kevin Crass.” Again, you are amazing.
Patient Safety Week was the same week, and nurses Kendall Barron and Angel Walters were honored as the 2023 Patient Safety Coaches of the Year. They are excellent examples of nurses who have stepped up to help their colleagues ensure that all our patients receive the best care possible.
On March 19, we celebrated Certified Nurses Day. If you are interested in obtaining your national certification, visit the Center for Nursing Excellence website for more information. March is also the time when we ask for nominations for our annual nursing awards. Nominations are closed for the Professional Nursing Awards, but there’s still time before the April 12 deadline to nominate an outstanding colleague for the Helen May Award or a group of employees for the Team Impact Award. Nominations are open until April 30 for the Great 100 Nurses of Arkansas. Click here to nominate a UAMS nurse for this award.
March was full of celebrations, and we have even more on the horizon in the next couple of months. What makes me love nursing at UAMS is not these special days but the special things you do every day. Here are a few excerpts from this week’s patient surveys:
“Every nurse on the floor was very professional, attentive, and polite. The doctors came by often. I felt safe and was able to heal because I knew they all looked out for my best interest.”
“The nurses and techs were OUTSTANDING. They listened to me and were kind, competent, professional, and compassionate. I loved each one of them.”
“I just wanted to say the staff was wonderful and I really appreciate the nurses who took the time out to answer the phone and call me back. Thank you so much.”
“She is an awesome Nurse Practitioner, and I love how she makes you feel like you’re her number one priority. She listens so well and wants to get down to why things might be going wrong with me.”
“I really appreciated my nurse. She was very, very nice and cared for me and she was everything I needed in a nurse at the time. And I really, really do appreciate her for being so nice to me.”
“What I really appreciate is the gentle kindness and friendliness of the nurse who took me back for BP measurement. She was smiling and cheerful, and even though I was in pain and a bit depressed when I came in, this nurse changed my mood completely, and I felt much better.”
We get dozens of comments like these every week. You are making a difference, and our patients notice your smiles, your encouraging words, and how you show that you genuinely care about their health. This is why I am proud to be a UAMS nurse.
Speaking of which – it’s not too late to order your “Proud to be a UAMS Nurse” t-shirt for this year’s Nurses Week in May. Click here for more information about ordering your shirt before Sunday’s deadline. To keep up with the latest on this year’s Nurses Week and other UAMS Nursing news, follow my new Instagram and Facebook accounts – just search for UAMSCNO.
The Medical Center Auxiliary’s scrub sale ended yesterday, but you can still order online today using this link. To get the UAMS discount, register to shop first, then type UAMS in the PO field and continue with the checkout process.
We’re just three days away from the total eclipse here in Central Arkansas. We expect many visitors in the coming days, which will result in heavy traffic and possibly an increase in our patient volumes. When we signed up as nurses, we committed to being here for our patients through ice, snow, tornadoes — and even solar eclipses. Just like for inclement weather events, we have designated sleep areas if you are scheduled to work and are worried about being able to get to your shift. Many of you have already talked with your supervisor and made arrangements to stay on campus to avoid travel challenges. Your planning and commitment are so appreciated. UAMS Emergency Management will have cots and inflatable mattresses available from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday. Send requests for cots and air mattresses to
I have reserved mine, just in case!
Thank you for all you do. Please be safe and stay well.

Tammy Jones, PHD, RN, NE-BC
Chief Nursing Officer
Associate Vice Chancellor for Patient Care Services & Clinical Operations
Perioperative, Interventional & Imaging Services Division