Patrick Howser, BSN,
Nursing Director Perioperative Care Service – Inpatient

Please join the Center for Nursing Excellence in congratulating Patrick Howser, BSN, Nursing Director Perioperative Care Service – Inpatient, for being selected as the July 2023 UAMS DAISY Nurse Leader Award recipient! This award expresses gratitude for courageous leaders fostering an environment where compassion and courage can thrive.
Patrick is a Nursing Director, in Perioperative Care Service Line and was nominated by a UAMS co-worker. The comments below are taken from her nomination which speak to each characteristic as an outstanding nurse leader.
Creates an environment where attributes of trust, compassion, mutual respect, continued professional development and ethical behavior are modeled and support.
As a “seasoned” nursing leader, when transitioning to the Perioperative Area, the handoff I received from Patrick was undoubtedly the smoothest, most carefully planned transition I’ve ever been fortunate to experience. The area he handed off is quite large, with a good many staff members and services provided. Patrick made a spreadsheet and spent significant time at the beginning to review each individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and any performance concerns that had been addressed. As he went through the list, it was evident he held the frontline team in high esteem. This took time – it was not a short conversation. He knew them on a personal level, highlighting his commitment to develop relationships. His handoff was exceptional – and gave me the best foundation possible for being an effective leader. His careful planning paved the way for mutual respect, trust and compassion for this leader coming to a new area. This consideration Patrick gave had far-reaching implications as I began to work beside the team. As I saw names/faces, at times I would go reference those notes to better understand the employee and what might motivate them. One of the preoperative nurses is exceptional – but appreciates personal attention and welcomes humor in conversations. Jokingly, this nurse told me I was only getting “30 days” of good behavior, as a concession to being newly hired to the area. As we worked together, this nurse (all in good fun) has extended their original 30 days of “good behavior” to be 60, 90, etc. Without having the background knowledge of their personality, I’m sure our connection would not be the same. This is one example in several where Patrick’s exceptional handoff made a positive impact on my onboarding and ability to connect with the team. It’s truly made for an easy changeover and made me feel like I really knew the group. I can’t thank Patrick enough for this!
Motivates staff with a shared vision and enthusiasm to achieve better outcomes for themselves and for their patients and families.
Patrick is a high-caliber nursing director and an example to staff. He maintains his clinical competency, ACLS, PALS, and will serve in staffing when the need arises. He is able to directly impact the team’s morale by serving in a nurse role, side by side with the frontline team. Patrick’s actions motivate staff – they will respect a leader who is willing to help shoulder their patient care burden when the need arises. It also gives him credibility when he asks for a change in practice to meet patient care needs – it’s much easier to accept direction from a leader who knows the job and can do it well. Patrick looks at quality metrics and makes sure he is responsive to any trending concerns/changes. It might be a “great job, team” congratulations or a “let’s look at this closely” and monitor for progress. He is an exceptional communicator and is able to share feedback in a way that is constructive, without causing harm to the team. Another example that highlight’s Patrick’s dedication to ethical behavior is his commitment to face-to-face staff discussions. He is not a leader that will “send an email” for an important piece of information. He takes the time to have personal conversations with the team, ensuring that everyone hears and understands the plan/vision, gaining staff buy-in and support. He does this with any significant information that needs disseminated, and can often be found away from his desk, interacting with the team.
Promotes and enhances the image of nursing within the organization, the community and the profession including engagement, recognition, and retention.
Patrick is dedicated to continuing his professional journey as an individual. He seeks out learning opportunities, is currently working towards a master’s degree, and recently attended a Nurse Executive review course to prepare for certification. However, he doesn’t just stop there. Patrick seeks out funding opportunities for his front-line staff to attend outside conferences and training opportunities to ensure they are engaged in their own professional development. Another example of Patrick’s dedication and promotion of professional development activities is his willingness to work with those seeking degree advancement. He’s always willing to discuss, and accommodate if able, schedule changes or status changes to support team members in being successful in meeting work obligations as they work towards their personal goals. Patrick also promotes and supports UAMS’s Resource Nurse program and is integral in identifying staff who have the initiative and drive to improve processes and patient care where they work and has been successful at supporting staff through completion of their projects. With Patrick’s insight and ability to look at his team both overall and individually, he is an effective advocate for professional engagement of the nursing team.
Thank You, Patrick Howser for demonstrating the true values of a DAISY Nurse Leader!