Colleagues, My goodness. It’s hard to know where to start! First, we are anticipating a call from the ANCC in just a couple of weeks with hopefully good news about our application for Magnet designation. I can’t believe we may be almost there! Please stay tuned and watch for more information as we approach this […]
CNO Corner
What an Amazing Week
Colleagues, Wow. This has been an amazing week. And just as I predicted last month, I am incredibly proud of not only our nursing team but also the entire UAMS Health team supporting us. We are one step closer to Magnet designation. From the dozens of nurses and Team UAMS members who lined the halls […]
I am so Incredibly Proud of our Nursing Team
Colleagues, It’s hard to believe, but this is the last CNO message before our Magnet site visit on Oct. 2-4. So many thoughts and words are coming to mind, but the one that keeps coming up the most is “proud.” I am so incredibly proud of our nursing team, our nursing leaders, our Magnet champions […]
Next Step on Our Magnet Journey – Getting Close
Colleagues, We’ve got a lot of news to cover this month, so I’ll dive right in. First, I’d like to thank the nurses who attended the first “Talk with Tammy” session a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed getting to sit down and talk with them, and according to the follow-up surveys, they all […]
Talk With Tammy
Colleagues, I’ve received several responses to last month’s message, and the common theme was, “thank you for bringing this to the surface.” I’ve thought more about the importance of a safe and healthy work environment in the past month – and the value of open, honest communication. A couple of recent experiences reminded me about last […]
What an honorable profession nursing is and how we are called to serve others
Colleagues, Three weeks ago, 170 new nurses joined our profession after graduating from the UAMS College of Nursing. BSN graduate Tyler Dawson spoke at the hooding and pinning ceremony about recently being a patient and thanked the paramedics, doctors and nurses who helped care for him. “It was through this experience, here at the end […]
UAMS Leapfrog Grade is an A
Colleagues, You did it! Our Leapfrog Grade is an A, and now everyone can see what goes into the outstanding care we provide here at UAMS Health. This achievement and recognition make me so proud of all of you and the hard work you have put in over the past several years to improve our […]
Follow-Up Questions from Nursing Town Hall
Colleagues, As a follow-up to the Nursing Town Hall session in late January, I’d like to respond to several of the questions during the session and in the post-event survey. Most of the questions are related to compensation, work environment, or career advancement, so I’ll address those rather than some of the more specific questions. […]
My First Day as CNO
Colleagues, I’ve survived my first day as CNO! In case you missed the email with the announcement last Friday, Dr. Krause sent a message announcing that I had been named the Chief Nursing Officer for UAMS Health effective Feb. 1, after serving in this role on an interim basis since October. I’m thrilled to take […]
New Year, New You
Colleagues, A nationwide survey conducted in November by Gallup showed that Americans’ confidence in our medical system is not as high as it was 10 years ago. There are a number of likely contributors to this. The COVID pandemic and the resulting staffing shortages, concerns surrounding insurance providers/coverage, and higher prices for medical care related […]