Individual, Family, and Employee Membership
Members enjoy the benefit of attending fundraisers and participating in special events hosted by the UAMS Medical Center and Auxiliary. Dues are $10 for an associate or UAMS staff membership, $20 for an individual membership, $200 for a lifetime membership.
Corporate Membership
As a UAMS Medical Auxiliary Corporate Member, you are invited to participate in several exclusive events that will help to keep you informed of the many ways in which UAMS is striving to provide excellence in health care. Corporate Auxiliary Membership allows you access to participate in the ways in which we are providing support to patients, families and UAMS Staff throughout the year. You also have an opportunity to join one of our community teams.
Benefits of Corporate Membership
Depending on your level of participation, corporate membership can grant you access to the following:
- Inclusion in the monthly UAMS Volunteer Services Newsletter
- Invitation to quarterly speaking engagements, relevant to current events
- Corporate Membership listing displayed prominently in the hospital
- Corporate Membership listing on our website
- Invitation to our Annual Auxiliary Member luncheon/dinner
- Business recognition in our newsletter
- The personal satisfaction of helping others!