Nursing Grand Rounds provides a forum for nurses to share clinical expertise and experiences, evidence-based practices, research, and other topics of interest that advance nursing practice, increase nurse engagement, improve patient outcomes, and enhance the patient experience. It occurs the first Wednesday of every month in person or virtual. All sessions will be recorded and posted on this page but the CEUs can only be obtained with live attendance (physical or virtual).
Attending a Session
Attending In-Person
Go to the Active Learning Center which is located within the library (very back of the library) in the ED II Building Room 1/22. You will need to access it via your employee badge.
Attending Virtually
Here is the link along with the Meeting ID and Passcode:
- Zoom Link: https://uams.zoom.us/j/98732861915?pwd=SUlGMWxOT2M5MHFHTTVkYzFQTmplQT09&from=addon
- Meeting ID: 987 3286 1915
- Passcode: 751752
Receiving CE Credit
CE credit is tracked through UAMS CloudCME. You must create an account and pair your cell phone with your account. When you attend a session, you will text a unique code to 501-406-0076. You can request a transcript from Cloud CME from their website.
Become a Speaker
If you are interested in being a speaker, please click here to submit your name and the topic you wish to speak on.