January: Cervical Health Awareness month Kangaroo-a-thon in the NICU– a friendly competition for NICU families to see who can do the most skin-to-skin! February: Black History month Safe Sleep Fair in the NICU– a walk-through learning experience to see exactly how your baby should sleep at home and exactly how not to let your baby […]
Upcoming Events
Is my baby’s poop normal? Parents often worry that their baby is not pooping as they should. Constipation is a common problem in children of all ages. Every baby is different. Babies who are constipated typically have bowel movements (poops) that look hard or pellet-like, cry a lot while trying to poop, and sometimes don’t […]
Spit Up
Spitting up is common in healthy babies—almost all babies spit up now and then. Good news! Most babies outgrow it after only a few months. Only 1 percent of babies are still spitting up after their first birthday. What is the difference between spitting up and vomiting? Spitting up is the easy flow of a […]
Physical Therapy
Tummy Time What are the benefits? Improves motor development Tummy time is a great way to build your baby’s neck, back, and core muscles. Building these muscles will help them reach developmental milestones such as rolling over, sitting up, and crawling. Encourages play with hands Giving your baby colorful toys during tummy time will encourage […]
Milk Supply for a Term Baby
Stimulating the breast often during the first days and weeks aftergiving birth is a great way to get a good milk supply. Beginnursing or expressing milk as soon after delivery as possible. Toget your body to make more milk you must remove the milk yourbody has already made, so it is important to nurse or […]
Smoking and Your Baby
Every mother wants their baby to be healthy. But smoking while you arepregnant or after the baby is born can be harmful.