UAMS Health sports medicine physicians Dr. Michael Cassat and Dr. Kathryn Nance talk about the appropriate time to see a doctor regarding neck or back pain. They also discuss your first visit to the clinic and why the UAMS Health approach to care is right for you.
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Dr. Michael D. Cassat:
What should you do if you experience back pain a lot? The first thing is if there’s anything that’s causing back or neck pain that’s inhibiting your ability to sleep or do the things that you want to do and it’s not responding to typical things you would do at home, whether that’s rest, whether that’s ice, heat, whether it’s taking over-the-counter medications — if it’s influencing your life beyond that, then you probably need to get seen by a physician or provider and see if we can help you.
Dr. Kathryn L. Nance:
You would see either myself or Dr. Cassat and then we would go from there, if you would see physical therapy or potentially one of our surgeons or interventional pain doctors.
Dr. Cassat:
As for timing, when you should come in to see us, I think that goes right along with the symptoms that you feel. So if your pain is out of control in a way that you can’t take care of at home, if it’s stopping you from being able to work, exercise, do the things you enjoy doing, if you have problems with weakness, with changes in the ability to feel things, if you’re tripping and falling — all of those are warning signs that we would have you come in sooner.
Dr. Nance:
What’s unique is that we can get you in the same day or the next day. This is so important for people who are experiencing acute neck and back issues. We don’t want you to wait. We want to be there for you and get you help when you need it.