January: Cervical Health Awareness month
Kangaroo-a-thon in the NICU– a friendly competition for NICU families to see who can do the most skin-to-skin!
February: Black History month
Safe Sleep Fair in the NICU– a walk-through learning experience to see exactly how your baby should sleep at home and exactly how not to let your baby sleep!
March: Ovarian Cancer Awareness and National Nutrition month
Dr. Seuss’s Birthday Read-a-thon in the NICU- a friendly competition for NICU families to see who can read the most to their babies!
April: National Donate Life Awareness
March of Dimes: March for Babies
May: National High Blood Pressure Education month
Mamies Poppy Plate Party
June: National Child Vision Awareness
July: Cord Blood Awareness month
August: World Breastfeeding Awareness
Kangaroo-a-thon in the NICU– a friendly competition for NICU families to see who can do the most skin-to-skin!
September: Safe Sleep Awareness and Newborn Screening Awareness
Safe Sleep Fair in the NICU– a walk-through learning experience to see exactly how your baby should sleep at home and exactly how not to let your baby sleep!
October: SIDS/SUID Awareness, Breast Cancer Awareness, and Perinatal Loss Awareness
UAMS Day of Remembrance
International Wave of Light Ceremony (October 15th)
Costume Photos in the NICU
November: Prematurity Awareness
Dr. Seuss’s Birthday Read-a-thon in the NICU- a friendly competition for NICU families to see who can read the most to their babies!
December: National Hand Washing Awareness
First Photos with Santa in the NICU