Student loan repayment is something all physicians should take the time to research and consider. Financial incentives and loan forgiveness opportunities are available from federal, state, and healthcare organizations. Refinancing your student loans is also an option and can be a great way to save on interest payments over time. These financial incentives may help you narrow your search for that perfect job opportunity.
Arkansas Rural Practice Program
Arkansas law authorizes the granting of educational loans and scholarships to medical students (and Alternates) for the purpose of increasing the number of physicians practicing medicine in rural communities in Arkansas. To qualify, you must be in need of financial assistance, a bona fide resident of Arkansas, and agree to repay your loan by practicing full-time Primary Care in a qualifying Rural Community in Arkansas. You do not choose your community until your medical training is complete.
NHSC Loan Repayment Program
The goal of the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) is to expand access to healthcare services and improve the health of people who live in urban and rural areas where healthcare is scarce. The NHSC Loan Repayment Program recruits fully-trained primary healthcare professionals to under-served populations located in selected Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) In return for service, the program assists clinicians in their repayment of outstanding qualifying educational loans. Vacancies in Arkansas Under-served Areas:
Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUAPs) are areas or populations designated as having too few primary care providers, high infant mortality, high poverty and/or high elderly population. The website is a great source for identifying these areas and includes a very functional search engine by city, county, state and zip code.
Student Loan Refinance