Condition: Melanoma
Providers Diagnosing or Treating Melanoma
Note that every provider listed below may not perform or prescribe all treatments or procedures related to Melanoma. Review each provider for availability.
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Omar T. Atiq, M.D. Medical Oncologist
Michail Mavros, M.D. Surgical Oncologist
Sonia T. Orcutt, M.D. Surgical Oncologist
Emre A. Vural, M.D. Facial Plastic Surgery Otolaryngologist
Locations Where Providers Treat Melanoma
Note that the treatment of Melanoma may not be performed at every location listed below. The list may include locations where the treatment plan is developed during and after a patient visit.
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Dermatology Oncology Clinic
449 Jack Stephens Drive
UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute
Little Rock, AR 72205
- Appointment Phone Number
- 501-686-8000
New and Returning Patients
Surgical Oncology Clinic
449 Jack Stephens Drive
UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute
Little Rock, AR 72205
- Appointment Phone Numbers
- 501-296-1200
New Patients - 501-686-8211
Returning Patients
Areas of Expertise for Melanoma
Our dermatologists provide services for disorders of the skin, hair and nails, along with treatments to improve the appearance of skin.
Skin Cancer Care (Part of Cancer Care)
Doctors from different specialties work together to provide you with comprehensive care that considers all of your skin cancer health concerns.