Condition: Degenerative Disorders of the Spine
Providers Diagnosing or Treating Degenerative Disorders of the Spine
Note that every provider listed below may not perform or prescribe all treatments or procedures related to Degenerative Disorders of the Spine. Review each provider for availability.
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Locations Where Providers Treat Degenerative Disorders of the Spine
Note that the treatment of Degenerative Disorders of the Spine may not be performed at every location listed below. The list may include locations where the treatment plan is developed during and after a patient visit.
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Interventional Spine and Pain Clinic
801 Cottage Drive
Orthopaedic and Spine Hospital
Little Rock, AR 72205
- Appointment Phone Number
- 501-686-8818
New and Returning Patients

Orthopaedic and Spine Clinic in North Little Rock
4261 Stockton Drive
Stockton Medical Plaza
Suite 100
North Little Rock, AR 72117
- Appointment Phone Numbers
- 501-526-1046
New Patients - 501-526-5451
Returning Patients
Areas of Expertise for Degenerative Disorders of the Spine

Our neurosurgeons perform research, multiple clinical trials and are the leaders for simple and complex surgeries not available at other centers in Arkansas.

UAMS Health is recognized nationally and internationally for its expertise in orthopaedics.

Pain Management
The pain management specialists at UAMS Health offer the latest treatments and technologies for managing pain.

Spine Care (Part of Orthopaedics)
UAMS Health offers a complete range of services for the treatment of spinal conditions, no matter the cause.