How do I know if a child I love has PTSD?
If you think your child might be suffering from PTSD, they should visit a primary care doctor or therapist; however, you can start by taking a free PTSD screener.
What will help children and teens with PTSD?
PTSD is hard, but there are ways to get better. Some options are mental health therapy, psychiatric medication and changes to your daily routine to feel better.
How can medicine help with PTSD?
Some medicines may help with PTSD. Talk with a doctor or psychiatrist to see if medicine is right for you.
What can adults do to help kids with trauma or PTSD?
- Take actions to keep kids safe and explain how adults are working to keep them safer
- Keep a regular routine and make time to spend with family or loved ones
- Give kids or teens space to talk about the event, but don’t force it
- Let them share how they are feeling without judgment
- Reassure kids or teens that they are not responsible for an event
- Support kids or teens in connecting with their communities or cultural groups