What is sticky, comes in many flavors and has been around since prehistoric times? Chewing gum! This popular, moldable treat has received a bad rap throughout the years because people thought it harmed the digestive system. However, there is no evidence to support the idea that it can stay inside your system for 7 years. […]
Is it Safe to Live by the Motto ‘No Pain, No Gain?’
“No pain, no gain.” If you’ve ever played sports or started an exercise program, you may have motivated yourself with this chant. However, when you feel sudden, sharp pain, or acute pain, it’s your body’s way of slamming on the breaks. If you disregard consistent acute pain, you’re not going to be gaining anything, says […]
Can Cell Phones Damage Your Hearing?
Most of us would admit that we can’t go a whole day without our mobile phones. Our phones are like our little lifelines to the world — they allow us to connect instantly with our co-workers, friends and family members. Surely something as seemingly harmless as our phones couldn’t hurt us, right? Unlike many medical […]
Does Drinking Cold Water Burn More Calories than Warm Water?
Our bodies can burn calories in several ways: basal metabolic rate (BMR), physical activity and digestion. Drinking cold water rather than warm is not one of them. Or, at least cold water doesn’t burn enough calories to be worthy of mentioning. “If your goal is weight loss and burning more calories, I wouldn’t spend time […]
Does Crossing Your Legs Cause Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins: every woman’s worst nightmare that many go to extremes to hide. They can wreck swimsuit season and even keep some women from wearing shorts. Unfortunately, most of the time varicose veins are unavoidable, with more than half of all women in the U.S. affected by them. If you’ve ever heard that you shouldn’t […]
Are Flip-Flops Bad for Your Feet?
Who can resist wearing a pair of light and airy flip-flops as soon as warm weather hits the Natural State? Flip-flops are are cheap, easy and come in any color you want. And they’re great for showing off pedicures! But, is this summer staple shoe really beneficial for your feet? Some doctors are now cautioning […]
Is Surgery Necessary for Back Pain?
You wake up on Monday morning and begin to roll out of bed when you realize that you can’t get up. Where did this back pain come from? Many people panic when they encounter sudden or severe back pain and assume that surgery is the only answer to cure the problem. Surgery, however, is not […]
Does Urine Help a Jellyfish Sting?
Jellyfish are almost angelic to watch gliding through the water, but the sting of one of these beautiful sea creatures is not so innocent. Their slimy tentacles can leave a painful mark on our skin. There are several popular methods to relieving the pain of a jellyfish sting, one being to apply urine. However, one […]
Is Ice Better Than Heat to Treat an Injury?
Your child sprains his ankle during a soccer game. Do you apply heat or ice to the injury? For most people, the logical answer is to apply an ice pack to the injured area. But, do all injuries or pain need cold? UAMS physical therapist Gayle Quattlebaum says that most of the time, ice is […]
Are Vaccinations Only for Children?
When we reach adulthood the thought of getting regular vaccinations becomes clouded by other responsibilities, and we begin to believe we don’t need them anymore. However, this perception is wrong. Shots are just as important for adults as they are for children, says UAMS primary care physician Dr. Deipti Trehun. Factors such as age, lifestyle, […]