Are you one of the many who can’t seem to get rid of those little white flakes that show up in your hair and on your clothes at the worst times? Many dandruff sufferers may be surprised to know that the flakes are not dry skin from the scalp, as this popular myth suggests. This […]
Is it Safe to Sleep if You Have a Concussion?
It has long been thought that a person with a concussion should not sleep because they might slip into a coma or lose consciousness. Through research and the expertise of UAMS doctors such as Dr. Alice Alexander, a primary care doctor in our Internal Medicine Clinic, we now know that there is no need to […]
Does Eating Late at Night Make you Fat?
When it comes to weight gain or loss, it is not the time of day that makes the difference — it’s what you are consuming. And most people tend to veg out on high-calorie foods while unwinding in front of the TV after a long, stressful day. “Typically, people who are eating at night have probably consumed an evening meal, so then […]
Can Staring at the Sun Cause Blindness?
Taking in a beautiful sunset is relaxing, but don’t look too long at our planet’s closest star because its rays can cause blindness and other life-changing side effects. Solar radiation damages the retina, says Dr. Joseph Chacko, ophthalmologist at the UAMS Harvey & Bernice Jones Eye Institute. “Sunlight damages the eye as its light is […]
Can Drinking Water Cure Your Dry Skin?
When your body is thirsty, it needs water. However, this principle does not apply to dry, thirsty skin. We tend to think that drinking a lot of water can cure dry skin, but the truth is that it’s not effective. A normally-hydrated person probably won’t see a difference in their skin after drinking an increased […]
Is it Dangerous to Wake a Sleepwalker?
You have probably been frightened by a sleepwalking family member at some point in your life. Even though seeing someone walking in their sleep can give you what you feel is a mini heart attack, waking a sleepwalker will not cause them to have a heart attack or cause other serious trauma like this medical […]
Are Vaccinations Only for Children?
When we reach adulthood the thought of getting regular vaccinations becomes clouded by other responsibilities, and we begin to believe we don’t need them anymore. However, this perception is wrong. Shots are just as important for adults as they are for children, says UAMS primary care physician Dr. Deipti Trehun. Factors such as age, lifestyle, […]
Do Lemons and Lemon Juice Cure Cancer?
There is a popular myth about lemons and lemon juice being able to cure cancer that is making the rounds of the internet. The myth is so popular even responded, stating that the email message is a mixture of true and false information. There is some truth involved in the creation of this myth, […]
Does Drinking Vinegar or Eating Garlic Help to Lower Your Blood Pressure?
Vinegar and garlic, while healthy foods, do not help control your blood pressure. During ancient times, both vinegar and garlic acquired reputations as curatives, able to allow people to live longer, healthier lives. These reputations have continued to modern times. Garlic and vinegar have been used by people throughout history, for both culinary and medicinal […]
Will Drinking Warm Milk Make You Sleepy?
Drinking warm milk before bed may help you relax, but there is no evidence that milk makes you sleepy. The drowsiness some people experience may be more from the warmth of the milk or a full stomach than the physical effect of any compound in milk. The ‘milk myth’ may have persisted because milk has […]