Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact
- It promotes bonding between mom and baby.
- It helps release hormones that help mom’s uterus get back to its normal size quicker. That means less bleeding for mom.
- Mom’s milk supply goes up.
- Mom’s pain goes down.
- Baby stays warm.
- Baby’s heart rate, breathing, and temperature level out.
- Mother’s heart rate, breathing, and temperature level out.
- Mom passes immunities on to the baby, so baby gets sick less.
- It calms mom and baby which means baby cries less.
- Since the baby is calmer and not moving as much, there will be less risk of low blood sugar.

A beautiful multiracial woman lying in a hospital bed smiles affectionately at her newborn baby who is sleeping peacefully in her comforting embrace as they enjoy bonding with skin to skin contact.
Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping
What does delayed umbilical cord clamping mean?
It means waiting for 30-60 seconds after the baby is born before clamping and cutting the umbilical cord.
Can this help my baby?
Waiting to cut the umbilical cord gives some extra blood to the baby after delivery. This is really good for preterm babies, but may have some benefits for term babies as well.
Could this hurt my baby?
There are some cases in which waiting to cut the umbilical cord may not be good for the baby. If these risk factors are present, the OB doctor will hand your baby to the pediatricians right away. Babies who receive delayed cord clamping MAY have a higher risk of jaundice, but all babies delivered at UAMS will be screened for this problem. If you have any questions about delayed cord clamping, please ask your doctor.
Could this hurt me?
There are some cases in which waiting to cut the umbilical cord may not be good for the mother. If these risks are present, the OB doctor will not do delayed clamping on the baby.
Does UAMS do this?
At UAMS, every situation will be studied to decide about delayed cord clamping. Your doctor and the baby’s doctor will look at several things to decide if this will be safe and can help your baby. The team will always decide what is best for both you and your baby.