Ryan C. Kwong, M.D. Emergency Medicine Pediatrician
Primary Location
Arkansas Children’s Hospital
1 Children's Way
Little Rock, AR 72202
- Appointment Phone Numbers
- 501-263-2644
Primary Care - 501-222-4596
Specialty Care
- Patient Type
- Children and Adolescents
- Language
- English

Dr. Kwong's Academic Background
Faculty Appointments
- Department of Pediatrics — Division of Emergency Medicine
- Assistant Professor
Education and Training
- Fellowship
- Children's Hospital of Michigan
Pediatric Emergency Medicine - Residency
- SUNY Upstate Medical University
Pediatrics - Medical School
- St. George's University School of Medicine
Professional Certifications
- American Board of Pediatrics — General Pediatrics
Dr. Kwong's Research
Kwong R. and Sethuraman U. (2020). ‘Environmental Disorders’ in Mahajan P., editor. Tarascon Pediatric Emergency Pocketbook. 7th ed. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning, pp 77-84
Kwong R. and Stankovic C. (2019). ‘Trauma, Head’ in Hoffan R. and Wang V., editors. Fleisher & Ludwig’s: The 5 Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health, pp 938-939
Veerakone, R., Wendt, W., Folsom, B., Kwong, R., Wu, A., Hashikawa, A. (2019, October 25th-29th). Pop-Up Safety Town: An Innovative Approach to Pediatric Injury Prevention Education for Head Start Children and Families. (ORAL PLATFORM PRESENTATION). Winner – Best Trainee Abstract, presented at the 2019 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Wendt, W., Kwong, R., Veerakone, R., Folsom, B., Hashikawa, A. (2019, May 14th-17th). Pop-Up Safety Town: An Innovative Approach to Pediatric Injury Prevention Education. Poster presented at the 2019 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Wendt, W., Kwong, R., Veerakone, R., Folson, B., Hashikawa, A. (2019, April 1st-3rd). Pop-Up Safety Town: An Innovative Approach to Pediatric Injury Prevention Education for Children and Families. (ORAL PLATFORM PRESENTATION) Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR) Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Stankovic, C., Farooqi, A., and Kwong, R. (2019, March 25th-27th). Factors that Impact the Efficiency of a Lean-Designed Pediatric ED. Poster presented at the 2019 ACEP: Innovations in ED Management Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.
Kwong, R. and Sethuraman, U. (2018, June 7th). Subarachnoid Hemorrhage from an Isolated Head Injury. Poster presented at the 2018 7th Annual Michigan Pediatric Trauma Conference in Detroit, Michigan.
Kwong, R. and Stankovic, C. (2018, June 7th). Evaluation of Undertriaged Trauma Victims. Poster presented at the 2018 7th Annual Michigan Pediatric Trauma Conference in Detroit, Michigan.
Amir, E., Seruga, B., Kwong, R., Tannock, R., & Ocana, A. (2012) Poor Correlation Between Progression-Free and Overall Survival in Modern Clinical Trials: Are Composite Endpoints the Answer? European Journal of Cancer. 48(3):385-8
Amir, E., Seruga, B., Martinez-Lopez, J., Kwong, R., Pandiella, A., Tannock, I., & Ocana, A. (2011) Oncogenic Targets, Magnitude of Benefit, and Market Pricing of Antineoplastic Drugs. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 20;29(18): 2543-9.
Kwong, R., Karagas, M., Kelsey K., Mason R., Tanyos S., Schned, A., Marsit, C., & Andrew A. (2010) Arsenic Exposure Predicts Bladder Cancer Survival in a US Population. World Journal of Urology. 28(4):487-92.
Locations Where Dr. Kwong Practices

Arkansas Children’s Hospital , Primary Location
1 Children's Way
Little Rock, AR 72202
- Appointment Phone Numbers
- 501-263-2644
Primary Care - 501-222-4596
Specialty Care