This isn’t so much of a myth as it is a warning. Salmonella enterocolitis, or salmonellosis, is an infection in the lining of the small intestine caused by the bacteria salmonella. Salmonellosis, one of the most common types of food poisoning, occurs after consuming food or water that is contaminated with the salmonella bacteria. Any […]
Medical Myths
Does Shaving Hair Cause it to Grow Back Faster, Darker and Coarser?
Shaving does not cause hair to grow back faster, darker or coarser. It is just a method of cutting the hair at the skin’s surface, according to the Dermatology Clinic at UAMS. Shaving has no effect on the part of the hair shaft below the skin surface, which is where growth and pigmentation occur. Although the […]
Is Taking Fish Oil Tablets Good for Your Heart?
The belief that taking fish oil will protect you from heart disease and arthritis may just be a fish tale, according to Dr. J. L. Mehta, Stebbins Chair of Cardiology at UAMS. “There is experimental data showing that large amounts of fish oil constituents may reduce the chance of sudden cardiac death but evidence for […]
Is it Safe to Smoke Prior to Having Surgery, As Long As You Don’t Have More Than One Cigarette?
According to the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at UAMS, there is no safe minimum amount of smoking prior to surgery. Research shows patients that smoke have 10 times more surgical complications than a non-smoker. In addition, smokers that smoke between three to nine cigarettes a day have the same risk as those who who […]
Can a Sudden Shock, Such as a Sleeping Person Being Abruptly Awakened, Lead to Diabetes?
There is no evidence that any kind of shock, including being awakened from a sound sleep, can cause diabetes. “We have enough understanding of the means by which both type 1 and type 2 diabetes develop to know that a single episode of stress or fright cannot cause diabetes,” says Dr. Stephen Elbein, a professor […]
Can Sitting in Hot Water Have an Effect on a Man’s Ability to Reproduce?
You might want to rethink buying that hot tub if you’re planning to have children in the near future. According to Dr. Graham Greene, an associate professor in the UAMS Department of Urology, elevated water temperature can effect spermatogenesis, or the process of sperm formation. “I advise any male interested in fathering a child to […]
Can Standing Up Straight for a Long Period Cause Fainting?
People faint for a variety of reasons. Standing, particularly when associated with heat or emotional stress, can cause blood to pool in the lower extremities. “If dehydration is present the situation is worsened,” explains Dr. Richard Nicholas, one of our orthopedic surgeons at UAMS. “The low rate of blood return to the heart in these […]
Should Pregnant Women Avoid Cats Because Cat Feces Can Cause Birth Defects?
There is some level of truth to this myth, although the chances of it occurring are slim. Toxoplasmosis is an infection that can be bad for a pregnancy if the fetus gets infected. The organism is carried in the feces of cats and other similar animals. Therefore, cats that are out in the wild, who […]
Can Drinking a Lot of Hot, Black Coffee Help You Sober Up After Drinking a Lot of Alcohol?
This question has been discussed by everyone from college students to respected scientists, probably for generations. Like many medical myths there is some “truth” to this notion. However, UAMS’ Department of Emergency Medicine says it’s important to know that coffee cannot reverse the effects of alcohol. Coffee cannot ‘sober you up.’ It does not get […]
Is Drinking Eight Glasses of Water a Day Good for Your Overall Health? And Will This Prevent Kidney Stones?
Everyone has heard that we should drink eight glasses of water a day but there’s no way to determine where this belief originated nor has there ever been a scientific study to support it, explains Dr. Alex Finkbeiner, chairman of the UAMS Department of Urology. “Interestingly, one of my colleagues also questioned whether such a […]